Thursday, December 14, 2006

Humourless pregnant woman alert

I'm working until 10PM tonight and sipping on some Earl Grey which I hope will keep me awake long enough for the drive home. I am so exhausted lately.

A colleague remarked on my size yesterday and I nearly punched her in the neck. Wow, you're a lot bigger than last time! Uh, nope, just about the same. Oh! Well, oh, ok.

The correct comment to a pregnant woman is: You look fantastic!

The correct comment to a woman showing you her newborn baby is: What a lovely baby! Great name!

I spoke to my mother last night and she asked if we were still thinking of naming baby 2 Roman. "Well, it's different." Whatever that means. I thought that comment was reserved for use by senior citizens in reference to movies with non-linear plots or depictions of homosexuality. Different! Yes, mom it's different, different from Jason or Luca or many other names.

You see? No more humour left in me.

I can't wait until the end of the day tomorrow (my last day). A is getting very nervous about me going into labour while driving home. I told him I thought I could make the hour drive while in early labour and he nearly had an aneurysm.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Too much bumpy

So the stress levels are now officially unmanageable. Our basement flooded on Saturday thanks to an incredibly rainy November and a terrible storm on Friday that knocked out power for three days. We went to bed on Friday night feeling all lovely and snuggly without television and a healthy dose of romatic candlelight. Saturday morning there were 4 inches of water in the basement. Sunday it was up to a foot. I was a complete mess. I realize that I'm pregnant and susceptible to crying jags but the sight of tiny infant clothes floating in water was too much.

The water is out and the power is back on, but we are poorer and desperately in need of shelving and a plumber. Those two things will make us even poorer but fuck it, right?

I can't wait for my parents to come back from South Africa so they can help me get ready for this baby. A guy at work asked me when I was due "June?" he says. I nearly punched him in the throat. June?!?!?!? Imagine if I had to wait until June? I think I would die.